Friday, 30 September 2011

Fitness Challenge

A blog I follow has started a fitness challenge which I am taking part in, so I hope that will be some success from this.
Trying to lose weight and get healthy on my own has been a challenge in it self and to be honest I haven't been that successful with it. I did manage to lose a few pounds but that I would gain over a stone. This is very common for me and I am not sure why this happens, I make sure I keep doing the same exercises and even try to up my exercise amount and make sure the food amount is the same as I had done from the start. It just seems to always happen that I lose a bit and gain a lot.

But with this fitness challenge which a lot of people have signed up to (so far 93 people) I am hoping it will encourage me to keep going forward with this weight loss journey.

Please do not comment on here or on that persons blog saying anything negative about paganism or witchcraft, this is my personal choice and I am not trying to force it into peoples faces. I have a separate blog for that all together, this blog is mainly for my weight loss, makeup etc. The reason I am putting this here is to tell you what challenge I am going to be taking part in.
And if any of you would like to take part in this as well then please just click on the picture and then sign yourself up for it.

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