Thursday, 6 January 2011

Weight loss progress part 2

Near the beginning of December I checked to see how much I weighed and apparently I put on half a stone, which wasn't good at all. I was starting to give up on the whole weight loss as it seemed like it wasn't working, whatever I lost I seemed to put it back on.
Now that Christmas and New year are over with I checked again, thinking that I have put more weight on as you do over the holiday period, but apparently I have managed to lose that half a stone. :)
I don't understand how I lost it as I didn't even watch what I was eating, but I guess it was because I was walking around more and drinking more fluids, so that is what I am trying to do again - drink more and do more exercise.
I have already been out for a walk today with the dog, even though part of me was thinking I shouldn't as I am still recovering from another cold and it was a little bit icy still, but I followed what my dog did and when she started to slide we went back home.
I didn't walk that far but if I keep to it, it should help me with my weight loss.
Also thinking about buying an actual work out DVD to go with the belly dancing and tai chi work outs, but finding the right DVD is a bit difficult at the moment as there is hardly any that are gentle exercises.
I wouldn't be able to handle some of the work outs that are out today because of my condition and I would just get bored of it, hopefully though I will find one. :)

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